Overcome the Devastation of Betrayal and Rebuild Your Life with this 7-Day Course

Has your partner's betrayal left you feeling shattered and unsure how to move forward? You're not alone in this struggle.

As a trusted advisor and fellow survivor of betrayal, I've created this course with heartfelt understanding and empathy for the pain you're experiencing.

I've been there, and I know just how overwhelming the impact of betrayal can be.

Imagine a day without feeling lost and hurt.

In this carefully designed 7-Day Healing Journey, you'll discover effective coping strategies to manage the whirlwind of emotions caused by betrayal.

As a guide on your side we will work together establishing healthy

boundaries, enhancing communication skills, and rebuilding your self-image to help you move forward with confidence and grace…. so you can have that day where you don’t feel so hurt or so lost. How would it feel to have days in a row, where you feel better? Glorious, right?

Together, we'll learn to:

  • Stay present and be gentle with yourself

  • Communicate effectively with your partner

  • Express your needs and concerns

  • Practice active listening for deeper understanding

Through engaging exercises and introspective questions, you'll gain practical skills to move beyond the pain and rediscover trust in yourself. Our course offers a unique, compassionate approach to navigating the complexities of betrayal and embarking on your healing journey.

🎁 Special Bonus: 1-Month FREE Access to

After Betrayal Academy 🎁

As a token of my commitment to your healing, when you sign up for the 7-day course, you'll also receive a 1-month free access to my upcoming After Betrayal Academy. Here, you'll find additional resources and support to help you continue your journey towards healing and transformation.

Don't let the pain of betrayal define your future.

My mission is to help heal from intimate partner betrayal to feel safe again, trust again, and love again so they can live again.

I want you to know that you are not alone. I've been in your shoes, and I know how heart-wrenching and devastating the discovery of a partner's betrayal can be.

Years ago, when I went through my own heartbreak and betrayal, I felt completely lost and overwhelmed. My mind was in overdrive, and I was struggling to make sense of what had happened. I was a mess, and I felt so disconnected from myself and the world around me.

But, fast forward a few years, and here I am on the other side of that dark time in my life. I've healed my heart, calmed my mind, and discovered a sense of wholeness and well-being again. And now, I'm on a mission to help others do the same by sharing my years of study and my lived-through experiences.

Since 2017, I have worked with a variety of clients to be a guide on their side to heal from intimate partner betrayal as a Trusted Advisor, Certified Life Coach, mental fitness trainer, and Certified 6 Phase Meditation instructor.

How would it feel to heal?

How would it feel to feel safe again, to trust again, and to love again so that you start living again, by your own design.

This course compliments my book, "Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partners' Betrayal: What To Do When Your World Falls Apart" where I offer practical advice and tips to help you move through all the emotions to the other side of betrayal.

So, if you're feeling lost and overwhelmed right now, I invite you to enroll in this 7 days course that gets you on the road to healing. I'm a guide on your side, helping you on your healing journey.

I'm here to help you heal, rebuild trust, and create a stronger, healthier relationship with yourself and your partner. By the end of this course, you'll have the tools and support you need to move forward with renewed hope and resilience.

Don't let the pain of betrayal hold you back any longer.

Enroll in 'Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partners' Betrayal: What to Do When Your World Falls Apart" today and join me on the other side of betrayal, empowered and resilient.


Praise for Dealing with the "Devastation of Your Partner’s Betrayal: What to Do When Your World Falls Apart"

Dr. Kim Baer

New Jersey


Vanessa Cardenas brings her personal experience with betrayal, which has given her unique understanding and empathy for her clients' struggles, making her an invaluable resource for those seeking healing. Her approach is rooted in lived-through experience, extensive study, deep empathy, and compassionate understanding. This course offers helpful practical suggestions to move through the grieving and healing process. A must for anyone going through betrayal.

Clayre Reyes

Glow of Radiance, Founder & CEO


Truly a soothing and enlightening experience.

This book provided so much more than I expected, as it helped me dive deep into my inner psyche to find my worth, reminded me of the importance of self-care, and gave me insight on how to strengthen my relationship.

The author encourages readers to confront their feelings surrounding betrayal while also finding ways to nurture themselves through the process. She provides actionable advice such as regularly practicing self-love, taking time for yourself, setting boundaries with your partner, and understanding

that forgiveness is necessary for healing. In addition, she talks about different forms of communication both internally (regarding your thoughts) and externally (with your partner).

Furthermore, the author goes beyond just providing advice and discusses her own experiences with infidelity in her marriage. It's truly inspiring to see how she was able to use her adversity as an opportunity for growth in her life and marriage. She emphasizes that betrayal can be a painful experience but there are many paths forward depending on what works best for each person.

A Betrayal Coach is certainly an incredible resource if you're looking for assistance during this difficult time. Vanessa is that support that many need. Her book It's a must-read if you want to learn more about trusting yourself again after experiencing hurtful emotions from such a traumatic event. Then, if you decide to stay and work through your marriage successfully, that is a plus.

Maureen H

New York City


A Gift for all hearts - healed and healing!”

The author’s heart-centered approach and compassionate nature on the sensitive subjects of betrayal and infidelity clearly shine through in the writing. This combined with her raw authenticity, clever conveyance of experiential wisdom, and even her sense of humor kept me turning page after page.

The creative chapter layout and effortless flow of the information interwoven amongst quotes, journal prompts, and helpful resources make this both an easy read and a personal guidebook to keep handy for future reference. Her recap at the end of numerous examples in music, books, movies, and media events of the subliminal programming being fed to the culture scape about the complexities and nuances of these subjects and their effect on the human experience is second to none.

This is clearly a must-read for anyone with personal or professional skin in the game on this topic! 

Ellen Imbiano



Partner betrayal trauma has become far too common.

It is vital for those seeking help to have a valuable resource at a time

when they are most vulnerable.

Ms. Cardenas offers hope at a time when hope is in short supply.

Though this is one of the most difficult of life’s challenges, with time and proper support, healing can happen. [She] covers a range of topics that fit into small, digestible chapters. This gives the reader confidence that getting through the early stage of discovery is achievable and that positive growth is attainable.


Praise for Dealing with the "Devastation of Your Partner’s Betrayal: What to Do When Your World Falls Apart"

Dr. Kim Baer

New Jersey


Vanessa Cardenas brings her personal experience with betrayal, which has given her unique understanding and empathy for her clients' struggles, making her an invaluable resource for those seeking healing. Her approach is rooted in lived-through experience, extensive study, deep empathy, and compassionate understanding. This course offers helpful practical suggestions to move through the grieving and healing process. A must for anyone going through betrayal.

Clayre Reyes

Glow of Radiance, Founder & CEO


Truly a soothing and enlightening experience.

This book provided so much more than I expected, as it helped me dive deep into my inner psyche to find my worth, reminded me of the importance of self-care, and gave me insight on how to strengthen my relationship.

The author encourages readers to confront their feelings surrounding betrayal while also finding ways to nurture themselves through the process. She provides actionable advice such as regularly practicing self-love, taking time for yourself, setting boundaries with your partner, and understanding

that forgiveness is necessary for healing. In addition, she talks about different forms of communication both internally (regarding your thoughts) and externally (with your partner).

Furthermore, the author goes beyond just providing advice and discusses her own experiences with infidelity in her marriage. It's truly inspiring to see how she was able to use her adversity as an opportunity for growth in her life and marriage. She emphasizes that betrayal can be a painful experience but there are many paths forward depending on what works best for each person.

A Betrayal Coach is certainly an incredible resource if you're looking for assistance during this difficult time. Vanessa is that support that many need. Her book It's a must-read if you want to learn more about trusting yourself again after experiencing hurtful emotions from such a traumatic event. Then, if you decide to stay and work through your marriage successfully, that is a plus.

Maureen H

New York City


A Gift for all hearts - healed and healing!”

The author’s heart-centered approach and compassionate nature on the sensitive subjects of betrayal and infidelity clearly shine through in the writing. This combined with her raw authenticity, clever conveyance of experiential wisdom, and even her sense of humor kept me turning page after page.

The creative chapter layout and effortless flow of the information interwoven amongst quotes, journal prompts, and helpful resources make this both an easy read and a personal guidebook to keep handy for future reference. Her recap at the end of numerous examples in music, books, movies, and media events of the subliminal programming being fed to the culture scape about the complexities and nuances of these subjects and their effect on the human experience is second to none.

This is clearly a must-read for anyone with personal or professional skin in the game on this topic! 

Ellen Imbiano



Partner betrayal trauma has become far too common.

It is vital for those seeking help to have a valuable resource at a time when they are

most vulnerable.

Ms. Cardenas offers hope at a time when hope is in short supply.

Though this is one of the most difficult of life’s challenges, with time and proper support, healing can happen. [She] covers a range of topics that fit into small, digestible chapters. This gives the reader confidence that getting through the early stage of discovery is achievable and that positive growth is attainable.

Are you struggling to cope with the devastating impact of your partner's betrayal?

Do you feel like your world has fallen apart?

Do you feel lost and unsure of what steps to take to move forward?

If so, you're not alone.


Trusted Advisor For Betrayal & Transformation

As a trusted advisor for betrayal and transformation, I have developed this course with a deep understanding of what you are going through. Betrayal sucks, the impact is devastating and overwhelming. I know, it happened to me years ago after being married for decades, so I totally get how you feel.

What if you could get through the day without feeling like crap?

In this 7-day course, you'll learn proven coping mechanisms to manage all the emotions you are experiencing because of the betrayal. We will explore establishing healthy boundaries, practicing effective communication, and rebuilding your self-image so you can move forward in a healthy, confident way.

With my guidance, you'll explore the importance of staying in the present moment and being gentle with yourself on this journey towards healing. You'll also gain valuable insights into how to communicate effectively with your partner, express your needs and concerns and practice active listening to better understand your partner's perspective.

Through a variety of simple exercises and thought-provoking questions, you'll develop practical skills that will help you move forward and rebuild trust in yourself. My course is designed to offer a unique and memorable approach to exploring the complexities of betrayal and the journey towards healing.

As a special bonus, when you sign up for my 7-day course, you'll also receive free 1-month access to my After Betrayal Academy launching soon. Here, you'll have access to additional resources and support as you continue your journey towards healing and transformation.

Don't let the pain of betrayal hold you back any longer.

Sign up for my 7-day course today and discover the powerful tools you need to start healing after betrayal.

More reviews on Amazon for:

"Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner's Betrayal: What to Do When Your World Falls Apart."


Reviewed in the United States on March 19, 2023

Verified Purchase


I simply had to share my profound experience reading Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner's Betrayal. As someone who has personally endured the excruciating pain of betrayal, I cannot overstate how much this book has meant to me. The author's writing is incredibly powerful and moving - it's as if she knows me and my struggles intimately. I found myself feeling validated and hopeful in ways that I didn't even know were possible.

The book is filled with invaluable insights and practical tools that can help anyone who is dealing with betrayal. I could feel the author's heart and soul in every word, and I am deeply appreciative of the empathy and understanding she brings to this complex topic. I especially appreciated the concise and straightforward approach to each chapter. The author spoke in a way that felt grounded in personal experience, rather than bogged down in scientific theory or jargon. It made me feel like I was receiving guidance from a trusted friend who truly "gets it."

Whether you're someone who has experienced the heartbreak of betrayal firsthand, or a counselor/therapist who works with those who have, I cannot recommend this book enough. It has been nothing short of transformative for me, and I know it has the potential to help countless others who are facing similar challenges.

Joe-Joe AZ

Reviewed in the United States on March 20, 2023

Verified Purchase


This is a book to get you through some of the darkest days of couple hood. Whether you can forgive and move forward, or move forward alone, this book helps you move forward after having the rug pulled out from under you.

Gee G

Reviewed in the United States on March 13, 2023

Verified Purchase


Vanessa put into words what everyone who is betrayed by their partner, their husbands or their boyfriend needs to hear.

How to pick a up and rebuild yourself after a trauma happens to you.

Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner's Betrayal is an exceptional book that has brought me immense comfort and clarity on my journey toward healing. As someone who has suffered the pain of betrayal, I cannot recommend this book enough to anyone who is looking for guidance and support.

What struck me most about this book was the author's ability to write with such empathy and understanding. She speaks directly to the reader with a warmth and sensitivity that makes it feel like she's right there with you, holding your hand through the pain. Her insights are grounded in personal experience, which makes the book relatable and accessible to anyone who has experienced betrayal.

Each chapter is packed with practical tools and advice that can help you navigate the complex emotions and challenges that come with betrayal. What I loved about this book was how it made me feel less alone in my struggles. It reminded me that healing is a process and that it's okay to take the time you need to work through your emotions and find a path forward.

Overall, I believe that Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner's Betrayal is a must-read for anyone who has been affected by betrayal. It's a compassionate and insightful guide that can help you find your way back to hope and healing, and I know it has the potential to help countless others who are facing similar challenges. If you're looking for a resource that can offer you support and guidance through the pain of betrayal, this book is definitely worth checking out.

Steve Catapano

Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2023

Verified Purchase


Vanessa Cardenas' book, "Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner's Betrayal," is a comprehensive guide for individuals who have experienced betrayal in their relationships. The book covers a wide range of topics related to infidelity, including the different types of betrayal, the emotional and psychological impacts on the betrayed partner, and practical steps for healing and moving forward.

Cardenas provides a compassionate and supportive approach throughout the book, acknowledging the pain and trauma that comes with betrayal while also offering practical tools and exercises to help readers process their emotions and begin the healing process. She draws on her own personal experiences as well as her expertise as a certified coach and trusted advisor to offer insights and guidance that are both empathetic and grounded in evidence-based research. Even if you are not the victim of betrayal but want to understand the pain associated with this trauma, you will get tremendous insight from her experiences and insights.

Overall, "Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner's Betrayal" is an invaluable resource for anyone who has experienced infidelity in their relationship. Cardenas' clear and compassionate writing style, combined with practical exercises and strategies, make this book an essential guide for those seeking to heal and move forward from the trauma of betrayal.

More reviews on Amazon for:

"Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner's Betrayal: What to Do When Your World Falls Apart."


Reviewed in the United States on March 19, 2023

Verified Purchase


I simply had to share my profound experience reading Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner's Betrayal. As someone who has personally endured the excruciating pain of betrayal, I cannot overstate how much this book has meant to me. The author's writing is incredibly powerful and moving - it's as if she knows me and my struggles intimately. I found myself feeling validated and hopeful in ways that I didn't even know were possible.

The book is filled with invaluable insights and practical tools that can help anyone who is dealing with betrayal. I could feel the author's heart and soul in every word, and I am deeply appreciative of the empathy and understanding she brings to this complex topic. I especially appreciated the concise and straightforward approach to each chapter. The author spoke in a way that felt grounded in personal experience, rather than bogged down in scientific theory or jargon. It made me feel like I was receiving guidance from a trusted friend who truly "gets it."

Whether you're someone who has experienced the heartbreak of betrayal firsthand, or a counselor/therapist who works with those who have, I cannot recommend this book enough. It has been nothing short of transformative for me, and I know it has the potential to help countless others who are facing similar challenges.

Joe-Joe AZ

Reviewed in the United States on March 20, 2023

Verified Purchase


This is a book to get you through some of the darkest days of couple hood. Whether you can forgive and move forward, or move forward alone, this book helps you move forward after having the rug pulled out from under you.

Gee G

Reviewed in the United States on March 13, 2023

Verified Purchase


Vanessa put into words what everyone who is betrayed by their partner, their husbands or their boyfriend needs to hear.

How to pick a up and rebuild yourself after a trauma happens to you.

Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner's Betrayal is an exceptional book that has brought me immense comfort and clarity on my journey toward healing. As someone who has suffered the pain of betrayal, I cannot recommend this book enough to anyone who is looking for guidance and support.

What struck me most about this book was the author's ability to write with such empathy and understanding. She speaks directly to the reader with a warmth and sensitivity that makes it feel like she's right there with you, holding your hand through the pain. Her insights are grounded in personal experience, which makes the book relatable and accessible to anyone who has experienced betrayal.

Each chapter is packed with practical tools and advice that can help you navigate the complex emotions and challenges that come with betrayal. What I loved about this book was how it made me feel less alone in my struggles. It reminded me that healing is a process and that it's okay to take the time you need to work through your emotions and find a path forward.

Overall, I believe that Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner's Betrayal is a must-read for anyone who has been affected by betrayal. It's a compassionate and insightful guide that can help you find your way back to hope and healing, and I know it has the potential to help countless others who are facing similar challenges. If you're looking for a resource that can offer you support and guidance through the pain of betrayal, this book is definitely worth checking out.

Steve Catapano

Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2023

Verified Purchase


Vanessa Cardenas' book, "Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner's Betrayal," is a comprehensive guide for individuals who have experienced betrayal in their relationships. The book covers a wide range of topics related to infidelity, including the different types of betrayal, the emotional and psychological impacts on the betrayed partner, and practical steps for healing and moving forward.

Cardenas provides a compassionate and supportive approach throughout the book, acknowledging the pain and trauma that comes with betrayal while also offering practical tools and exercises to help readers process their emotions and begin the healing process. She draws on her own personal experiences as well as her expertise as a certified coach and trusted advisor to offer insights and guidance that are both empathetic and grounded in evidence-based research. Even if you are not the victim of betrayal but want to understand the pain associated with this trauma, you will get tremendous insight from her experiences and insights.

Overall, "Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner's Betrayal" is an invaluable resource for anyone who has experienced infidelity in their relationship. Cardenas' clear and compassionate writing style, combined with practical exercises and strategies, make this book an essential guide for those seeking to heal and move forward from the trauma of betrayal.

This course is designed specifically for you; to help you work through the pain of betrayal and find a path towards healing and renewal. Through practical tools and techniques, you will learn to manage your emotions, let go of resentment, rebuild your self-image, establish healthy boundaries, improve communication with your partner, and move forward with renewed hope and resilience.

I'm here to help you heal, rebuild trust, and create a stronger, healthier relationship with yourself and your partner. By the end of this course, you'll have the tools and support you need to move forward with renewed hope and resilience.

Don't let the pain of betrayal hold you back any longer.

Enroll in "Dealing with the Devastation of Your Partner's Betrayal: What to Do When Your World Falls Apart" today and join me on the other side of betrayal, empowered and resilient.

Money-Back Guarantee

After completing this course, my ultimate goal is for you to continue on your journey to the other side of betrayal with the tools and guidance necessary to achieve this. I am confident that I will deliver on my promise that you will feel better after our 7 days together.

I understand that trust is earned, and it is the most valuable thing that you can graciously give me. That's why I am dedicated to ensuring that you are completely satisfied with your experience. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied, I am happy to offer you a full refund after completing the course. No questions asked. This is how confident I am that you will feel better after your time in this course.

I want you to know that my commitment to your well-being and success does not end with the completion of this course. I am here to support you as you continue on your journey toward healing and transformation.

Together, we can create a life that feels joyful, fulfilling, and free from the burden of past pain, if you so choose.

Thank you for placing your trust in me, and I look forward to supporting you on your journey.

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you my latest research and writing.

How To Deal With Betrayal

A promise of transformation here

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Garrison, New York, USA

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you my latest research and writing.

Garrison, New York, USA

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  •  Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation
  •  At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecetuer lorem ipsum
  •  Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation
  •  At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecetuer lorem ipsum
  •  Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation
  •  At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved